About Levio Learning

Our sponsor, Levio Learning, is a sports and recreation business that provides workshops for schools, camps, and special events. We specialize in providing communities with fun and unique experiences through the introduction of non-traditional sports. Our programs excel at building memorable experiences to promote physical activity and inspire the next generation of athletes.

Quadball Academy

The Levio Learning quadball academy focuses on teaching solid fundamentals and how to play as a team. Athletes will learn how to throw, catch, and communicate with each other to find success. All of their instructors are certified and have extensive experience teaching and playing quadball competitively at the national level. They provide year-round support and programs for all skill levels, from absolute beginners to seasoned veterans.

Why quadball? Well, while there are already several opportunities for kids to engage in mainstream sports, these often occur outside the classroom. Inside the classroom, when teachers inspire their students to read, the enthusiasm and wonder that comes from fantasy novels can be leveraged into physical play by allowing readers to transform into the characters they admire. Educators often find quadball to be a great bridge between classroom learning and increasing the activity of young children.

Become A Quadball Academy Instructor

Levio Learning’s quadball academy instructors are contractors who travel to different assigned locations on an as-needed basis to facilitate lessons. This may include teaching at schools or camps during a full weekday or a weekend afternoon. Learn more about becoming an instructor here.


Interested in scheduling a session or demo near you? Levio Learning has experience at festivals, birthday parties, summer camps, tournaments, schools, and more! They provide all the equipment, resources, and instructors to help make your event truly fantastic. Email info@leviolearning.com or fill out the contact form here.


Photo Credit: Rebecca Martin